There's so much media thrown at us each day. News stories and advertisements are constantly in front of our face via the Internet, on television and the newspaper. We have grown so accustomed to it, that we are almost hungry for it. Although, afterawhile, all of this can make us grow quite weary....We are all on information over-load.
It is adamant, that we learn to silence ourselves again. All of this information over-load will destroy us eventually if we let it. Take time to experience life again...Life without the glowing screen and the constant murmur.
Honestly, we don't need to know the top headlines on Yahoo! or any other news outlet by the hour. Watching your local news (maybe once a day) or reading the front page of the newspaper might get you the top news stories. But we don't need to see them every hour of every day.
Have you ever stopped to think about your day and what you wanted to do?... Or are you living the every day socially media-driven life?...
For some who live online socially, their day might look like this:
1. Wake up
2. Grab cell phone, tablet, laptop or log onto computer
3. Go to Facebook and post your latest status update
4. Read the news headlines
5. Finally get breakfast
6. Read or watch the news while eating
7. Get dressed for the day. Post a selfy showing what you are wearing
8. Post your status of what you are doing
9. Start your day-go to work, errands, kids to school. Post another update.
10. Eat lunch, post another status update while reading the news headlines
11. In the afternoon, you may have to work, pick up kids or plan dinner. You do this by looking at Facebook recipes or ask your friends what they are having. You might also browse Pinterest, Twitter or wherever you get your recipes for ideas.
12. Decide that you don't want to to cook and grab fast food from the closest fast food restaurant.
13. Post a photo to facebook to show what you are eating. Complain or compliment about it.
14. Eat dinner, troll Facebook or any other social media outlet for the rest of the night. You may watch the news, maybe interact with your family until you fall asleep without knowing it... And still post a status update into the wee hours of the morning....
...... See a trend?...
Not only have we become socially media-driven, but we all like to share. While Facebook can be a lot of fun, we are sharing ever aspect and moment in our lives. Before long, we may begin posting every restroom stop, nose blow or anything else that is mundane-Just so we can have that immediate feedback from friends and family.
Now, there is nothing wrong with being connected... to friends and family. It's okay to check in via phone or text, but nobody needs to know our every move-every hour, minute and second of the day.
How about we learn to check in with ourselves? ..... Learn silence. Go OUTSIDE. Get FRESH AIR. When you wake up, reconnect with YOU. What do you want to accomplish today? ... Feel greatful for the new day. Greet the sunshine, clouds, singing birds, children, your spouse or whoever/whatever may wake you up that day. Don't post on Facebook that you just got up or you are eating breakfast... You know what?..nobody cares that you ate wheaties for breakfast this morning, or that you are out of milk, so now you have to eat toast...
There is so much more to life than all of this. There is a wide universe awaiting us. We must learn to connect with our inner-seleves. Disconnect from the media/Internet-Reconnect with YOU. If we don't reconnect to our true spirit, we won't be able to move towards our destiny and our mission in life. With all of this media-driven life, we are purely robots...
Get Connected to your family. Get connected to your spirit. Go somewhere silent and listen to your heart... Try praying/meditating to get back in touch.
Stop wanting what the media tells you to want.Stop doing what the media tells you to do.
Think about what YOU want for your family and yourself for once with Facebook, the television and all media resources turned OFF.
This is YOUR life. The life that God gave you.
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