Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Poem: Soul Judgement

Soul Judgement

I sat, silent and still.
Vulnerable to your judgement.
My soul, open and naked for you to see.
I let you see it,
in all its purity.
You promised not to judge.

I sat, silent and still,...
while you gazed into 
the most infinite and precious
part of you me.

You promised not to judge.

I sat, silent and still,
tears sliding down my face,
But I stood brave 
in all of my faith...

I sat, silent and still.
listened to words that made no sense.
You talking of all things,
that I had unseen
or were past tense.

Here, my soul,
bare open for you.
This is what I get in return?
The least you could do is wipe 
away the tears on my face.
But you stand there,
allowing them to wipe away the grace
that I had.

I get up,
no longer silent and still.
I cover up my soul,
no longer there for you to see.

A gift,
taken with no thought
It shall be you who will be judged.
My soul can not be bought.

And now you,
one day,
will stand in judgement.

While I will be washing away the impurities
and trying to regain
my grace. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Poem: Healing Spring


I feel your wind on my face
as the sun tries to uncover itself
from its darkened space.

The breeze shifts directions,
bringing on a weathering change.

A distant warmth reaches out
touching my cold bare skin
as it rises my temperature from within.

I can feel you so close,
as you blow through my hair.

The echoes of spring
whisper in the air.

Mother nature is dancing through my soul
and I urge the darkened winter ghoul
to crawl back into its underground hole. 

I feel your changing winds in the air
Soon your bountiful bright colors will
spread everywhere.

Everything will be a'new 
once again.... 

The changing of the season
give us a living reason,
as we dance to your amazing grace
feeling the greatness of your healing glow
on our face. 

-Ariana R. Cherry

*Read Ariana R. Cherry at Bubblews.com 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Remember, this is YOUR life-Make the best of it.

So many of us spend time trying to please others or worrying about what everyone else thinks. We work trying to get to the top of the career ladder, sometimes hurting ourselves (some hurt other people) and we stress ourselves out. There is nothing wrong with being successful, and if it feels good in your heart, then it is totally worth it. But when you spend more time being stressed out, weeping, going crazy or seeing less of your family, you start to question: Was it really worth it?

God gave us this one life. It is our gift. We also have a mission. Each one of us carries special talents to complete our missions. Some of us may be destined for success or to be up at the top of the ladder, but there are others, who are destined to live a little bit below their means.... God never gives us more than we can handle, and he has equipped us with the tools to live our life to achieve what he wants us to.

There will be people who you face in life who will question your morality, your beliefs and what you really feel in your heart. They will try to make you feel small, or make you wonder if you are in the right place. These are all tests. And some of these people, may not really know themselves what they want, but they get a high out of making people feel bad. Don't let these people ruin what is in your heart.

This life is YOUR life. It was given to you from God. It does not belong to anyone else. You can do what you want with it. Although, you must keep in mind, the decisions that you make, will effect the others close to you in your life-such as your family. So while this is your life, your family is with you on your journey too. And the members of your family also have their own mission to complete, but it is possible that their mission could be a part of yours as well.

Your family are the people you should lean on. If the other groups you belong to in life or the people you work for are making your question your heart or making you feel bad about yourself, then you should question if it is all worth it?... Or perhaps, you can find another way to approach these type of people. Don't let them think that their opinion matters to you. Only you can do what is right in your heart.... 

When you follow your destiny, path and complete your mission, you will be rewarded beautifully in your life here after... And don't ever feel like you are alone... God is right there, walking along with you. And every now and then, he will carry you.

Read this article at Bubblews: