Saturday, December 7, 2013

Poem: Her Angel Guide

Her Angel Guide

She sat in the dark for some time,
unsure of a path or a her purpose.
In a moment of bliss,
a message embarked on her soul
telling her to come forth.

"Do not be afraid my friend,
I offer my love and compassion.

I see you have felt alone
or haven't felt like you fit in...

Well my love, that is all about to end."

A brilliant radiant light shone behind her darkest shadows,
and sunlight and warmth enveloped her entire body
as a beautiful white angel transcended above her...

showing her a heavenly world that once felt strangely familiar.
Although that was many a years ago, where time once stood still.
The angel reminded her that they were friends,
and she, was her spiritual guide.

And the girl's broken heart exploded with love,
so much in fact,
that it trembled in vibrations throughout her soul...

The angel smiled with relief,
happy to remind her friend of who she once.

Darkness was not where she belonged,
Her friend, indeed, was an angel of light,
walking upon the earth,
with a mission to share love and grace
through written words...

Almost immediately, the sorrow escaped the young girl's face
Never had she felt so much at home.
Although her angel told her she must return to carry on the mission
and that they would see each other again one day soon,
in a place,
where time would be for an eternity.

-Ariana R. Cherry-Shearer

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