Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Poem: The Sign of the North Star

The Sign of the North Star

Upon a cool dark night,
I was looking up towards the sky,
looking back on fond memories of
so long ago.

And in that midst of darkness,
there appeared with hope,
and yet so bright,
was the north star,
shining in all of its might.

Up there, it sparkled so high,
it brought forth a hope in my heart,
It helped me to remember,
that not everything had fallen

The north star,
that lead so many from afar.
A light that provided guidance
that we seem to search for throughout our lives.

In a moment, when I prayed for hope,
when I was remembering so many memories that 
had touched a broken heart,
Its light shone anew
Reminding me,
that with His love,
yes, I could still cope.

A time, when you feel like you've come down,
there's always a symbol, or a sign
turning your heart completely around.

His love for us is never lost,
because we are His children,
we are always found. 

Just look up toward the sky,
for the north star.
It will bring a leap of faith,
and lift your love,
high up off the ground.

-Ariana R. Cherry-2013

Poem: The Monster in Me

I keep it locked up inside
So that the fear subsides

I don't grow angry
for the fear
I won't recognize me.

She grips the cage bars
and quietly meets my gaze
as she pleadingly looks up at the stars.

It's that other side,
that I so dearly secretly hide.
She will never be free,
It's the monster in me.

I've tossed the key
and thrown it away,
I'll never let her out to play.
You'll never see
the monster in me.

A few battles were fought,
but sadly, she was caught.

A heart of love beat her to the core,
for the monster in me,
was nevermore. 

-Ariana R. Cherry 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013

Inspirational Poetry:This Place is Only Temporary

This Place is Only Temporary

We all may not be from this world,
but we are of this world.
A universe of infinite love,
is the place that we call home.

This place, in which our feet touch the ground,
and gravity ties us down,
is only temporary.

We are in a classroom,
learning lessons that God has come to teach.
Each and every one of us had a mission,
before breathing our first breath of life.
It is our task, to full-fill that mission,
and to radiate, infinite love
to everyone.

This world is so much bigger than we think it is,
there is more than we can imagine beyond the universe.
We are only a small,
minute particle
in this galaxy that we are a part of.

We are all one.
Connected by love.
the hurt, anxiety,
Unsureness or anger that you feel,
are trials that you face on this earth...

In the aftermath,
you will feel only love.
Love is what will unite you.
This place is only temporary.

One day,
you will go home.


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Poem: Materialism


Hoards of people set out to fill their pockets
with the latest treasures and gold pieces.

In a search of the latest trend,
they fill their pockets full,
as if they have no end.

Their mouths watering at the sight,
they pack together like wolves,
savoring every bite.

As they fill their pockets,
they search for happiness and enlightenment
that they believe is hidden at the bottom of the well.

They urge to find their hope
buried beneath the treasure.
But only those who are not mad men,
will realize it is all part of an evil spell. 

They dream of houses of gold
and search for a fountain of youth,
so that they never grow old.

Pearls, rubies and gemstones,
the noise of their searching chatter increases,
sending chills to my bones.

As their desire of need increases,
my love that I had
breaks my heart into pieces.

They continue to search through the gold and treasures
within the well,
Hoping for a happiness that they may 
never be able to tell.
Some may even drown in self pity into their own
personal Hell.

If only they could open their blind eyes,
and hear the truth to their sad ugly cries.

Forget about the pearls, gold and rubies,
and see the reality behind the evil disguise. 

They will have to seek the love of their Master,
who will bring them to their knees.

Only he shall provide the path to happiness
and righteousness.
But he will not bring it
in the form of gold, pearls and rubies. 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Inspirational Poem: A Visit from Jesus

A Visit from Jesus

Some years ago,
one evening,
as I lied low 
in my darkest hour,
a bright light shone
in my corner.

Confused and alone

I had thought I sat.
But it was he,
who came to comfort me
and wipe away my tears.

He took me in his lap
and held me close
as He allowed me to cry.

"Never-more my child,
I am always with you,"
He told me,
wiping away my tears.

In the most brightest ray,
I sat there in the chair
as he sat shining in
his white robe
smiling down at me.

My heart leaped,
and once again
I was comforted.

Jesus pushed away the darkness
in my corner,
gave me a hug
and promised that he would
never leave me alone,
because he loved me.

Minutes later,
I awoke from my slumber,
refreshed and new...

And He told me
to share this message
and bare witness the truth.

-Ariana R. Cherry-Shearer 2013

Click here to read more from Ariana at Bubblews: 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Poem: He is the Way

An original poem written be me (Ariana R. Cherry). I put the poem on a photo that I took.
 The clouds were gorgeous that day :)


Friday, November 15, 2013

We are all part of God's Plan

Our lives can be so busy sometimes with work, our family, events and technology. We fill up our calendar so full, that we have forgotten to make time for ourselves. Have you ever really stopped and thought about why you are here in the first place? What is your destiny on Earth?

According to some research and books that I have read, we were all given a mission or provided a destiny to full-fill on this earth before we were born. Our souls need enlightenment and are forever learning. The day that we came into this world, became day one of our mission. We may not understand what that mission is for quite some time, but God will lead us in the direction that he wants us to go. It isn't always a coincedence that we might run into certain people or become a part of someone's life. God was directing us to that specific corner so that we could full-fill our destiny.

Although, life does get in the way. There are different things or even people who will try to lead us away from our chosen path. Then we must try to find our way to get back on. If we allow our attention to get redirected elsewhere, it is very easy to get lost...

Some of us are gifted with special talents and skills. That wasn't an accident either. We are all wise spirits who are accustomed with a variety of special skills that help us reach our full potential in life. God gave us the tools that we needed to complete our mission. Be aware of your special talents and skills so that you can come to understand exactly what that mission may be. 

It's easy to get caught up in the everyday life. There are times though, that it is essential to take a time out. Life itself can catch us off guard if we aren't careful. 

This universe is so much larger than we can even fathom. It goes on for entire lifetimes. Our life here on Earth is just a stepping stone into something even bigger. Once we complete our destiny, we will move on to the afterlife, where our souls will still continue to learn and grow wiser... We are all part of God's plan. 

*Read more at:

Read other articles & poems by Ariana at:

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Disconnecting and Reconnecting

There's so much media thrown at us each day. News stories and advertisements are constantly in front of our face via the Internet, on television and the newspaper. We have grown so accustomed to it, that we are almost hungry for it. Although, afterawhile, all of this can make us grow quite weary....We are all on information over-load.

It is adamant, that we learn to silence ourselves again. All of this information over-load will destroy us eventually if we let it. Take time to experience life again...Life without the glowing screen and the constant murmur.

Honestly, we don't need to know the top headlines on Yahoo! or any other news outlet by the hour. Watching your local news (maybe once a day) or reading the front page of the newspaper might get you the top news stories. But we don't need to see them every hour of every day.

Have you ever stopped to think about your day and what you wanted to do?... Or are you living the every day socially media-driven life?...

For some who live online socially, their day might look like this:

1. Wake up

2. Grab cell phone, tablet, laptop or log onto computer

3. Go to Facebook and post your latest status update

4. Read the news headlines

5. Finally get breakfast

6. Read or watch the news while eating

7. Get dressed for the day. Post a selfy showing what you are wearing

8. Post your status of what you are doing

9. Start your day-go to work, errands, kids to school. Post another update.

10. Eat lunch, post another status update while reading the news headlines

11. In the afternoon, you may have to work, pick up kids or plan dinner. You do this by looking at Facebook recipes or ask your friends what they are having. You might also browse Pinterest, Twitter or wherever you get your recipes for ideas.

12. Decide that you don't want to to cook and grab fast food from the closest fast food restaurant.

13. Post a photo to facebook to show what you are eating. Complain or compliment about it.

14. Eat dinner, troll Facebook or any other social media outlet for the rest of the night. You may watch the news, maybe interact with your family until you fall asleep without knowing it... And still post a status update into the wee hours of the morning....

...... See a trend?...


Not only have we become socially media-driven, but we all like to share. While Facebook can be a lot of fun, we are sharing ever aspect and moment in our lives. Before long, we may begin posting every restroom stop, nose blow or anything else that is mundane-Just so we can have that immediate feedback from friends and family.

Now, there is nothing wrong with being connected... to friends and family. It's okay to check in via phone or text, but nobody needs to know our every move-every hour, minute and second of the day.

How about we learn to check in with ourselves? ..... Learn silence. Go OUTSIDE. Get FRESH AIR. When you wake up, reconnect with YOU. What do you want to accomplish today? ... Feel greatful for the new day. Greet the sunshine, clouds, singing birds, children, your spouse or whoever/whatever may wake you up that day. Don't post on Facebook that you just got up or you are eating breakfast... You know what?..nobody cares that you ate wheaties for breakfast this morning, or that you are out of milk, so now you have to eat toast...

There is so much more to life than all of this. There is a wide universe awaiting us. We must learn to connect with our inner-seleves. Disconnect from the media/Internet-Reconnect with YOU. If we don't reconnect to our true spirit, we won't be able to move towards our destiny and our mission in life. With all of this media-driven life, we are purely robots...

Get Connected to your family. Get connected to your spirit. Go somewhere silent and listen to your heart... Try praying/meditating to get back in touch.

Stop wanting what the media tells you to want.Stop doing what the media tells you to do.

Think about what YOU want for your family and yourself for once with Facebook, the television and all media resources turned OFF.

This is YOUR life. The life that God gave you.

Read more at:

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

My Thoughts about Thanksgiving and Black Friday Shopping...

Ever since I was a small child, Thanksgiving was a day to spend with your family. It was a time to come together, share a feast and be thankful for what you had. I was thankful to have a warm home, clothes to wear, food to eat and my family. Not once, did shopping ever come up at the dinner table. I never even thought about shopping on Thanksgiving. In my opinion-everything should be closed that day so that everyone had the opportunity to spend that time with their friends and family. 

I am not sure when shopping became the norm for Thanksgiving day. In fact, the thought makes me quite ill. Black Friday held some interest at times with the sales, but usually the Friday after, I was always recovering from the Thanksgiving meal and we were putting up the Christmas tree. That day was also sacred to me, although there were others who did have to return to work... I understood that.

Shopping on Thanksgiving, having special door buster sales and anything trying to conjure up shoppers is just insane to me. Where did our faith go in this world? What happened to spending time with those that you love? Honestly, on Thanksgiving, I want to be at home, sitting on the couch, watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and smelling turkey cooking in the kitchen. I really don't dream of spending it holding shopping bags and waiting in long lines. No Thank you. 

If it were up to me, I would ask that people boycott shopping on Thanksgiving day. Spend it with your family. Think about it-what would the Indians and settlers think who used the day to come together and share our land? They shared a feast and brought peace. After they worked so hard to achieve what we have today, those Indians and settlers would be very disappointed. 

We were not meant to shop on Thanksgiving day. When did America become so materialistic? Why do we even need huge screen televisions? Why do we need all of those storage containers? And why must we have the iPad or iPhone? You know what I'd rather have? My family safe with me at home. That's all I ever wan
ted. What about you?

*Read more at: