Sometimes when you look in the mirror,
if you stare long enough,
you can see your soul peering out at you.
For a moment, you can seek your inner self
And all of the beauty that lies within.
We spend too much time fussing on our outward selves,
that we forget to see our true souls.
Our souls are the ones who live on,
and take the journey into eternity.
Take a moment to seek your inner self,
And heal where needed to grow.
Our spirit is what makes us alive.
Live for the soul.
Nurture your inner beauty
and seek the spirit
that lives within you.
The soul is everlasting.
*Read more byAriana R. Cherry-Shearer at BubbleWs or Yahoo! Voices

A Message from the Universe
I am a kindred spirit,
awaiting here to complete a mission.
There is hope, that one day,
love will prevail again
on this planet.
Tomorrow seems to come and go,
and the people here,
all walk with a similar flow.
I hope for love and a newfound peace,
because it is known,
that it is what these people need.
They need spiritual guidance,
to lead them back to what
was once pure.
Love is their only hope,
to bring them back
to what they used to know.
Anger and greed has taken over,
enslaving the people into
hatred and sadness,
locking them into their own
personal prison.
Prayer is necessary,
and so is a spiritual leader.
They must get to know their Father
so that they
will find the hope
that has been buried
beneath the sand.
One by one, I will share the story
of truth,
guiding them into the light of love.
One by one, they will pass the story
through generations,
to repair the damage that was once done.
The world's children will learn of hope, love and forgiveness,
bringing back purity
to a world that was once lost.
Tomorrow, it will be found once again.
Read more articles and poetry by Ariana at Bubblews or at Yahoo! Voices